Sunday, February 21, 2021

Fully vaccinated crew quarantined for 3 weeks

 I understand  a flight with fully vaccinated crew a few days ago had transported  a Covid-19 positive passenger from Jakarta. 
This has resulted in the crew being placed on a 3-week quarantine in a facility in  Singapore. 3-week isolation is, in my opinion, too long. 1 week should suffice since the crew were vaccinated against Covid-19.
What say you?? 


I don't trust Corona Virus Vaccine said...

Vaccines will NOT work as it has not been tested on animals.
Don't fall for it as it will enriched the pharmacies and drug
related company!

(: said...

where is ur source from?

Limpeh said...

Limpeh will also not take the jab as Limpeh
not worried about the virus

Unknown said...

lockdown simply slowing down
herd immunity which is the only
real solution for this c.c.p virus