Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Number of Covid infection is skyrocketing

 It is quite absurd that the number of infection today has reached 349 of which 347 is local transmission. If the number keeps going up, I think the authority will call for a circuit breaker or lockdown. Why is there a spike in number when 81% of the inhabitants are fully vaccinated against Covid?

Lockdowns will cost the economy and businesses untold suffering. SIA will be out of business if this infection rate keep spiking. It's already bad in many countries. I read that UK with the population heavily vaccinated, the infection number has hit 38,000 per day. Japan is also not faring better as it recorded an average of 14,000+ a day. USA is worse at 7 day average of 152,000. 

*Sigh* .....keep praying that's all we can do as we are battling an unseen enemy!


Anonymous said...

As nimpeh said- they tell us to get vax, the main aim is to boast to world we are vax so that can reopen for biz asap.
They try to sell us the notion that if we are vax, even if kena, wont be serious.
The thing is when somebody dies of wuhan, the 1st thing they blame on is whether they are unvax. If they are vax and die, they will say they die of other underlying issues.
Stats and figures speak for themselves. You judge whether vax are useful agst virus lor.
Now they try to twist words agaim by saying vax is not 100%. we must do our part etc.

Nimbu said...

Nimpeh, I share the same sentiment. The people who died due to side effects of vaccination are considered as death from underlying reasons. The whole thing is a big scam!

Anonymous said...

same template used. if die, blame on unvax and insinuate they are stubborn or disobedient. If vax, blame on other health issues like hypertension, diabetes etc. Now they blame bukit merah cluster for touching veggies. if like this, everything cant touch liao lo.
whatever it is, everything is up to them to say. we as sheeps have nothing to say. they 'encourage' us to vax, claiming not compulsory. but look at the measures they do to inconvenience or subtle threaten the unvax. might as well jus get the vax and see how. rather to die from vax than be inconvenienced and threaten by the company.

Anonymous said...

Kim Siu says:

I am wondering how long more they are going to use taxpayers money and pay for cockpit high basic pay to shake legs at home...

Anonymous said...

Current situation seems to be beyond prayers.Delta forces,take down friend and foes alike.Good services and battling infectious virus cannot co-exist,it seems to be one or another.The air that one's breathes,the latent virus shedding of recovering victim,and many complex medical issues onboard, enclosed and needing ultra violet disinfection at every point,from toilet to seating arrangement,will add cost, reduce capacity and make travelling difficult.Added to vaccination hesitancy,deniers,a long flight can be positive on landing,even negative on takeoff.Then comes Karen,Sue and many more Covid litigations,unless exclusion clauses on Chicago convention updated,to cover Covid on board.I am layman,my fears maybe far fetch,but basically we want to live,or do we got no choice or say ? Just an opinion, before the holocaust would fears,another five letter word, when the world lost many live.

Anonymous said...

2 ways to handle this covid-19 situation. Vaccination and non Vac. Non Vac would mean Nature way of handling it and getting into herd immunity situation.
Under Nature way, this is what to be expected: u get infected and if strong will survived and gets immunity. If not die if weak. Hospital will be swarmed with patients bef herd immunity can be achieved.
So u combine the 2 of vaccinations and Nature way, u get the whole population protected from covid.
Nature way would be u die your problem. Then less people around and less resources to share.

Anonymous said...

gcp and tpt's failed leadership, should be fired

Anonymous said...

This is a war going on.Covid against Mankind.Whether led by who's, Covid by shape changing, seems in upper hand.Its halftime with vaccine,but Lamda,Mu,it's still early days.Till a cure found,like a silver bullet, depending on karma,good wishes,and prayers directed, and blessed routes and compliant angelic paxs,the litmus test will show results.Until VAR played back,and no superspreaders into our community,this will be the light at the end of the tunnel.God bless us all.