Monday, December 6, 2021

Three cheers for Omicron!

This article by a German health expert said the "Omicron variant could be a Christmas gift" as it may spread faster, more infectious but less severe. Personally, I tend to agree with the professor. It's more severe than the usual seasonal flu but it will not kill nor create havoc like the Delta variant. In this aspect, it is good news for everyone except the big pharmacies and those that profited immensely from the pandemic.

Hip hip hooray to the airlines and tourism industries. You and the world will recover, thanks to Omicron! SIA will soar again and higher this time. Praise God for his mighty power which overcome the evil deeds of the devil and his offspring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's going to be a Age of Extinction,if the pandemic ran out.The number of death exceeded the great Flu at the end of Ww1,and Ww2 combined,putting democracy against communism.Mask mandate and anti vaccine battled it out,on the shrinking playground of ICU bedspace and oxygen concentrator,pulling both victims and survivors thru the grind,Covid does not discriminate,it takes all.The last moment when live ebb away no goodbye,because it's too infectious,thru one'breath.Conspiracy theorist ?The rich versus the poor ?The circle of infection evolves,to variants of unvaccinated,till all are vaccinated,then the cycle ends.Those that defied the mask,pay with their live the meek and obedience and knowledgeable survives,it's their choices,like Squid Games.Of course,the Air Carrier will be closely watched,either carry on as usual soaring to profitability or superspreading.The choices are deep blue sea or a hard rock.The front liner,the first victim or the passenger the carrier,after all the due testing.God,save us all for we have sinned.Lead us back into the light from darkness.Amen.