Saturday, December 3, 2022

I do not miss the trouble makers

 It has been quieter now since I disallowed anonymous comment on this blog. It is better to be quieter than to have the irritants come here and talk rubbish. Some of them think that without their presence my revenue from this blog will drop drastically. Frankly, I do not much from blogging. I hardly get enough to buy myself a cup of coffee and so I don't miss much. As for now I am "blog fatigued" as I have been blogging here since 2006. I am turning now to YouTube, trying to be a YouTuber. It's a tough just to earn a few bucks.


SUNNY GALE said...

It's not that it is quieter because of the irritants. Firstly, it is nice to have them out of the scene. People will feel free to comment, and this good.
Quieter? It's due to nothing interesting to comment about.
Hope your readers can help by coming up with interesting topics to liven up your blog and to make it easier for u without u having to think of ideas now and then in your blogging to keep it active.
Basically it's about contents, more than anything else that results in comments.

Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

SUNNY thanks for leaving a sensible comment.

Anonymous said...

Here's a critic,as quiet as 164,its like a Xmas with a church mouse.Depend on what you want,a melting pot of ideas,hot and spicy or quiet as an obituary.Dont be like Mr Umbrage,good for sinking anything he touch and finally OUT.Dont be a triBlog,helmed by minority opionions,wont go far and no depth.Just saying,This Way or the highway,sideway onto the skidlane,no visitors blog will be deem to sink into oblivon,cardinal truth !