Saturday, June 24, 2023

Jim wanted a loan but I ......

An ex-crew (Jim) whom I bumped into unashamedly asked me for a loan. He told me he was in bad shape financially due to his gambling habit. If I am not wrong he was sacked by SIA many years ago. I don't know why SIA sacked him but I think it may be due to some money issue.
I took out a $100 note and gave it to him. He was unhappy as he wanted to borrow 1k from me. I knew if I were to lend him, he will never pay back the loan. I apologised but he cursed me and said I was stingy.Since that encounter, I have not heard from him to this day.
I will continue telling about this ex-crew in my next post......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boh Tong, I thought CC are rich themselves since they earned much more and travel? Why they need to ask of you for money?