Monday, August 14, 2023

Why recruit more?

 SIA is still recruiting cabin crew aggressively. We don't know how many more does it need. Going by the interviews in SG and overseas plus asking former crew to apply is a sign of desperation. It should invite those who was "forced" to quit because of the reluctance to be vaccinated against Covid-19 to return to work. These ex crew should also be compensated for salary lost. If SIA does that then I will more respect for the airlines.


Anonymous said...

Bravo BT for hsving a backbone,to stand up against unfairness and bad HR practice !We love Alfa male against Beta fakemale,support this Blog always !It said the Truth,against fake news and more.BT for Prez !Make Sin greater,the strongest passport in the world,now the world class standard,the strongest money,the smartest people,akan datang.

Anonymous said...

What Bravo BT?? Don't suck up to him ok!

Anon said...

BT was quiet like a obedient puppy during his time at STC. Dare stand up ah? Why didnt he even stand up for himself and other CCE when toh and sim re-structure and sack them? Now post on blog and act garang ah.

Anonymous said...

There are times for every thing He is retired,so are many.In Christ,time to repent and do the write thing,right words in this Blog.He is one of the best, fairest of AO,not a stain or taints to his name.Now that post COVID,SQ suffers,billions lost but it is still our Airline,our culture and here to stay.Of course,it could morph into a better entity,or else Emir Air,Air Indie,and many other up and coming Air to serve you,with disdain and disgust if you are not their type or colour,especially green.Devil or the deep blue sea,choose the lesser evils,to your destination !

Anonymous said...

(VDSM)Vaccination Differentiated Safe Measures introduced by this Government
is the biggest mistake and wrong that they have done.
The employers are complicit to this wrong.

In this century of modern science, to build walls to prevent any person
to work for a living is criminal.
The discrimination is 100%.

In modern times, people are committed to pay debts from housing, utilities, education, health
as the system was designed to do, and yet the same designers make it impossible for people to work
for a salary to pay.

It was cunning to terminate an employee due to absence from work.
But what prevented the employee..? The employer itself..!!

3 years have passed and has vaccination worked..?
The virus has mutated and there are sub-variants.
Why not reintroduce the VDSM ??
Was it effective??

Employers jumped at the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to remove people from the payroll.
So, did it help with costs? How much did it improve savings or profits?
Did the company achieve its goals faster, quicker, just by removing some employees?

Utter rubbish, pure Human Resource crap.
It was all personal, vindictive.
May these people who cooked up such schemes and the people who implemented it live long lives,
in wheelchairs, on their backs and in dementia.

Anonymous said...

Agreed totally,the Vax ,as a form of employment gateway,seems a fascist and unjust,it goes way up.The side effects of it still not fully understood ,including long term.Short term include the heart muscle being affected.Its a whole new ball game need Var to slow mo and freeze the critical ,whether it's goal or own goal.

Anonymous said...

BT, can a guy at 36yo still apply for CC? What are the chances?

Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

At 36 your chances are 30% in your favour.

Anonymous said...

Then I shall not try, also not sure if can click with younger cols anot. Just curious, what’s the oldest for a guy you have seen?