Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Omicron passengers on SQ 211 into Sydney

 SIA said on Monday that its pilots and crew who operated on Flight SQ211 will abide by these measures, in accordance with the guidance from the authorities. Read more here

I understand the crew that operated the flight SQ 211 arriving SYD on 29 November did not disembark at SYD but instead arrived back Singapore as passengers on the return flight. The crew had come into contact with the 2 passengers who were tested positive for Omicron....


Curious said...

Did the flight attendants who served the Omicron passengers fly back on the same airplane to SG with other passengers or on an empty airplane?

White H said...

DS is again trying to create fear by releasing the mutated variant of COVID 19 and labelled it as OMICRON. WHO is complicit too.

Anonymous said...

We are in dangerous times,Omicron,deadlier than Delta,as they said,on board enclosed space,not a great place to be,every breath you take.

Anon said...

WHO says v mild. Who says dangeorus?

Anonymous said...

If very mild,then increase flight to SA,and other Omicron area.Simple logic,easy peasy,WHO also said it's only a flu,after millions died then called it pandemic. You trust WHO with your life ?Trust the whisper in the streets in Wuhan,when people keep dropping on the road.Official account is no case because of no test.Do what is necessary for yourself,official got KPI etc.Close two eyes better.