Monday, June 27, 2022

Eager to be part of the SIA cabin crew family

Being a cabin crew is not a job but a life style. Many cc and ex cc will agree with me. It is a career that offers limitless travel, interaction with people of different background and cultures and a decent pay.
Seeing so many went for the recent interviews with SIA and many couldn't pass the interview, I have encourage them to consult the experts who could help them get their dream job.
I, myself had help many got into SIA and some other airlines like EK, CX etc.
Just last week a young lady contacted me and asked that I coached her for her second face to face interview with SIA. She had failed her first interview a few weeks ago and wanted to make sure to pass it this time. I agreed to coach via Zoom as I am not in Singapore. A face to face one on one coaching would be ideal. However, after my coaching she proceeded for her last Saturday's interview. Needless to say she passed with flying colors. Now all is left is her medical this week. When she passed her medical, she will become part of the cabin crew family with the world's best airlines.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to her.Time to reset CC with new attitude,Covid has brought Airlines, Countries to their knees.The perks are still there just have high insurance cover,and fixed term,to restart to another career.See the world,open your mind and learn that Sin is worthy to live,one won't be shot,racism controlled and conducive to raising a family.,downside cost of living ,sky high,and fair weather all year round.All neighboring countries ,cost of holidaying quite low due to strong sin dollar.Happy flying to those young aspiring people.

Anonymous said...

You said it dude, flying is a lifestyle.
So much so that when they realised that it is a very physical job upon flying, most would still love to carry on.
U can call it as the Romance of flying.
Love it or hate it, many would still want to have a go at being Cabin crew.

Anonymous said...

Good answer

Anonymous said...

Where is that sour grapes aka anti cabin crew?

Anonymous said...

Flying is a laboured job. It is very physical demanding. In my 10 years in SQ, i sprain my lower back twice, and gotten hernia from over straining by carrying heavy air larders, luggages etc.

Anonymous said...

Here I am.

Flying is a lifestyle depending by no. of contracts.

Afterwhich it end, they'll be aged over 50, what can they do?

Housing agent? Competitive and self reliant
Insurance/financial planner - Competitive and being spat by public for constant pestering
Nurse? Low pay and long hours
Taxi driver? Long hours and pay depending on trips made daily

And many others...

Most complain about these jobs - no NYC, no shopping in London, no this and that. Lower pay than CC 4-5K. Blah blah blah..

Anonymous said...

Best of flying,NYC,Lon,EU etc.Worst,toilet cleaning on Mas,similar sectors.Unless new protocol for Covid ,Monkeypox etc could be pipeline for them.Carry heavy luggage of poi polloi to overhead bin now eliminated due to measures taken.Unfortunately they still don't recognise Workplace Safety well,nor injuries sustained as being F/C treatment in hospital but other class.Common injuries due to lifting heavy items etc.Just like coming out of war zone,become a Galley Vet.Worth it ?Haven come to toxic crew part yet .

Anonymous said...


You sign up for it, youve to suck up to whatever the job entails.

Complain here and there during your 10 years is load of hot air.

How about nurses who carry patients on bed?

How about waiter carry plates to diners?

How about the junk collector collecting cardboards and things like that?

Those are backbreaking jobs too but you didn't hear them complain.

Might as well, quit earlier after probation period.

Anonymous said...

Good one 🤣

Anonymous said...

To, here l am.
Aiyoyo, don't be an idiot.
When u reached 50yrs whether u are a graduate, a professor or whatnot, you will not be able to secure a better job better than your last bec your age matters to the boss.
Likewise, CC would also be in the same position compared to graduates.
So don't talk cock.
Looks like once you hit, in fact eh.. not even 50 but 40yrs, u will have a problem getting into a good job, unless u r lucky.
I was looking for a job when l was 40 and l called to inquire.
The lady on the other end upon hearing my voice (a tell tail sign of a person age) told me they r looking for younger candidate. I was ah....
Don't u know the problem PMET professionals are facing in Singapore?
They r high-powered people but at a certain age above 40yrs and losing their job, it's a mati kudasai situation in trying to secure a comparable job.
They have to opt to be private hire and housing agents as well.
So u think other jobs can offer better skill sets when u get the boot after 40yrs of age?
Don't kid yourself. Cause AGE override.
This is real-time and the reality of life.
Whether u r CC or professional, it does not matter. Whatever skill u developed in whatever job, it ain't gonna help once u are over 40yrs. Just be prepared for a lower-paying job unless u go into a self-employed job where the amount u gonna make is based on your effort.
So private hire driving, here l come because l am out of a job at 40yrs.

Anonymous said...

The problems are CC does not make distinction on whether cc should heave overweight bags for paxs.Some low crass pax brings kitchen sink onboard then expect fs,fss to put upon the overhead bin.Normally,I would feign and then drop ,or offload to cargo.CC becomes cargo handler.Workplace safety practically none existence on board,many crew were going back with hernia and other weight related cause problems.Just for the record for those hippo ignoramus here.

Anonymous said...

If you're a ex-CC, I thought you received 'world-class training' that can land you in any job as long employers interested in you formerly from SQ.

If you're not ex-CC, that's true in all cases that age overrides everything. But with right mindset and skills, employers will be interested. If you're were from CC, oh boy, you're in deep trouble as coffee and tea skills can't help you far, haha

Anonymous said...

Haha, employers r not interested in your right mindset and skills cause, all jobs you only pick up the skills upon working in the organisation.
Every company has its own culture and they prefer to have u pick it up upon working.
Even when it comes down to being a graduate, the boss would prefer a younger graduate. Your experience don't matter to him as your age is more critical to him.
So don't bother to upgrade yourself and get a degree. U are wasting time and money.
The job u are going to get is going to be a downgraded and lesser paid one once u are of age.
My advice to u if u are CC is not to bother about getting a degree cause u are not going anywhere even with a degree once you are of age and have left the airline.
You can still get employed but it will be a downgraded one.
What next best then? Simple go drive private hire.
You will love it cause it's own time own target job.
And best of all, u get to have a car at your disposal, which apparently can enriched your life.
The possession of a car brings much convenience in life. One that can make money for u at the same time is even more fulfilling.
This is why 90% of the retired crew are into this job. It is so good they don't want you to know, hehe. Buat bodoh only so that u don't get to know the secret haha.
This is the reality of life in real time dude..