Wednesday, June 8, 2022

This comment made be SAD :-(

 Hi Boh Tong

I agree to large extend that a former RI like youself shouldnt be steward/CCE for 35 years straight shouldnt be the norm.

Usually, people from elite schools such as yours tend to gravitate towards management positions in MNC.

Though its okay to do it less than 5 years for experience and use it as bragging rights, do it for lifetime seems a waste of potential opportunities outside of flying.

When we're old, we can only look bad and wonder "What if..." this and that. Life shouldn't be flying for life.

Theres more to it.


Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion, such a view is flawed for the following reasons:-

1. Why must one from an elite school be in a top position in an MNC? Does it imply those from a non-elite school should not achieve to be one? I am pretty sure there are some from an elite school who spent their entire working life in middle management or executive position in a small or medium-sized enterprise.
2. It is ultimately a matter of choice of each individual and it is wrong to impose one's thought and belief on others. As long as one is happy doing at his, or her, job, who is to decide their lifestyle.
3. If every individual from an elite school should be in management situation, are there enough positions to go around. Then what happens? Insist on getting such a position and remain unemployed until getting one?
4. In the early days, there were not many MNCs in Singapore. As a result, most University graduates (and there was only 2 Universities then - Singapore U and Nanyang U) ended up working in local chinese companies, banks and civil service. And many of these were from elite schools.

In short, everyone decide their own course of action in his life. If he is happy, who are we to say he should have done this or that? If he is not happy, there is a saying "if you make your own bed, you lie in it".

Anonymous said...

Its a myopic view,Bill Gate,drop out.Our society evolved and still transforming,that was before WW 1,2 and coming 3.Diversity of views melting pots etc,makes a society robust and more.Its the beholder,been wearing rose tinted glasses,one horse town,inbreeding might not be good,in all natural sense.IA,Internet VPN,break the chokehold of forced views,choose your favourite and expand and expound.One either shot down,or gather their followers,thus enriching all just as the human race ranges from all colours.Just my views.

Anonymous said...

am from the same 'elite' school.. am not from cabin crew division. at the end of the day, live our lives with no regrets, be happy and enjoy our short time on earth

and everyone defines success differently, school friends have gone on to become artist, pastor, real estate agent, house husband etc.they are happy with their lives. not everyone will or aspire to be management in MNC, or admin service.

and we definitely are not in any position to tell others how they should live their lives... definitely not to elderly retirees