Friday, September 2, 2022


 Anonymous said...


Please focus on airline stories and be upfront with readers on the good and bad being CC.

Just like Kaypoh says, readers are educated enough to know the right and wrong of a post.

Don't run away by putting life in Japan stories to gloss over the ugly reality of CC.

What do you mean by "gloss over the ugly reality of CC"? There isn't any ugly side being a CC. It is a honest job with a reasonable good salary. It's better than doing an office job, where you sit in front of a PC day after day. I won't want to say more about how good is a CC job otherwise I be attacked again.


Anonymous said...

It seems you being AO throughtout your career,never had seen ugly office incident ?Kindly explain the LS and the 8 etc.Never mind sagaless and perfect jobs ?This will lead to major responds, including Sexcy,Ahqua etc.Never mind,led dont rehash,maybe in future or another blog.Karma like Covid comes from Wuhan and India .Try to be even handed,factual and truthfull,it help you to win friends and influence viewership,hopefully,a straight donation by benefactors who shares the same idealogues.The main issues are fir you have have revenues,that is the crux.Thks

Anonymous said...

BT was a cc for at least 7 to 10 years before he was promoted to an admin officer. Therefore he should know about cc's life as well as the life of an office worker. I read somewhere in his blog that he preferred the cc position than the admin position.

Anonymous said...

Why not BT apply to be a waiter at his age then? Waiter = flight attendant.

The job scope almost the same - serve meals, help luggages and be attentive to passenger needs.

The difference is monthly pay for waiter is not good with long working hours which BT despised.

He wants earn more by doing less work being CC.

Anonymous said...

Give BT a break wilya? He is too old to do manual work even if you pay him a million bucks. Old people days are numbered so stop ridiculing seniors like BT. Have some respect and your time will come!

SUNNY GALE said...

The job scope of a waiter/ cabin crew may be the same, but the lifestyles (this is where the "power"of this job comes in) is world of a difference.
Also the salary is pretty good.
The fun you get from its lifestyles is priceless which cannot be duplicated in any other job and it's so enticing/enriching a job.
You see, when u decide to join as Cc, u r not into the job really. What u r getting into is a job that opens the world to your doorstep.
Flying to countries that span across 7 continents, not once but over and over again. It's so gratifying/sensational to be able to see the world for free and WowWee, u get to stay in a 5-star hotel.
Where to find, this kind of job?
Compared to the same job scope waiter's job, or even a manager job, the mundane lifestyles of working on the ground make living on this planet a little boring.
I am sure all the Cc of the world knows this fact.
The only factor that can override the lifestyles of Cc is the power of getting a job that can make u a ton of money, hehe, bec money makes the world go round, but u would still miss the fun of flying though.
Another beautiful part of this job is if u r a guy, u get to work with so many great-looking girls u can fall in love with. This is not all, if u r amorously adventurous, there r so many overseas girls u get to make friends with. Again, where to find this kind job (Singlish phrase of the century).
If u work on it, u will also end up with girlfriends all over the world. What a lifestyle.
If u have a ground job, all u r looking at is for the weekend to have fun and chill at Clarke quay and drink yourself drunk and then take Grab home.
For Cc crew, u can drink at most crew room in the hotel and just go back to your room when drunk, it's so so convenient. And a secret here ah, most of the time u get quality alcohol for free. Cc trade secret ya. U know and l know only (Cc who r into drinking will know what l mean).
As for ground job, u pay for every glass u ordered. Moreover not so good quality drink. The good quality one comes at a price.
So u see, waiter and Cc job scope is the same but, lifestyles is a world of a difference.
U ain't know what u r missing if u have not been a Cc.
For those who live to have fun, hey this is the job for u. Don't be a waiter ok.
This job is so good that when u come across a funeral wake and u find the person in the coffin still smiling, even though dead, u will know that this person must have been a cabin crew before, hehe.
Guess he/she has been living a great life when alive with no regret.
So go join Cc and see the world for free. Don't be a fool and play it cool in life.
Think about it and observed people on the ground - u will realise eh.... every day they do the same thing, going to work and looking forward to the weekend to have some relief from work…and then Monday blues over and over again till........

However, don't expect working as a cabin crew to be a breeze. This job is exhausting - u will feel extreme tiredness after the flight and would want to get to the hotel or home soonest possible.
Only 2 activities can keep u awake. The need to eat is one and if gambling is your favourite pass time, this is another, lol.
The work onboard is simply a situation of the same procedures and is not difficult to master though.
Your senior crew member at time is the more difficult situation to handle than work, hehe. Just take it in your stride as this is part and parcel of working life. You see, not all human r born with good emotional intelligence.
Still want to be a cabin crew? Then go get Boh Tong e-guide to give you an edge in the Cc interview, as it will gives u an idea of what the airline is looking for at the interview.
Haha, just a little promotion for your blog and your entertaining us readers with articles.

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent article by Sunny. It beats all articles or comments so far. Well done Sunny because you have penned so well on the cc job.

Flight Attendant said...

Well done Sunny Gale! Can't disagree with you at all. Wonderfully expressed.