Thursday, September 1, 2022

Readers prefer airlines stories?


If you compare the suggestion by a reader that I should blog about my life in Japan to the airlines stories you may notice that the number of times read on airlines stories are higher. In this case should I revert to blogging about airlines stories or about my life in Japan?


Anonymous said...

One need to decipher the numbers,food or airline,your niche seems to be airline.Do not jump to conclusion that would not benefit you,like the phase 'kaki Kong kaki song'.Viewship are fixed and like similar views,not opposing values,will avoid extreme view like War in Ukraine a special ops or Trump's election was stolen,or Najib got 42 millions donation,unless one want to trigger a laugh or worse.If the key words trigger ads that is worth triggering,one point to you.More comments mean more participation,turn off subject include non airline stuffs.In other word,unless one want to drown in one's interest or viewpoint,it is poison to another.Your choice of which is in your ultimate interest.Even Sham kor going into Tik tok,conquering the world just like the Kardashian sisters.Hop in or be left out.

Li said...

Uncle Boh Tong, you can blog about your life in Japan in your other blog . I think that blog can focus on life in Japan and Singapore Airline crew stories on interesting Airline stories.

Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

Let me think about it,G. Thanks for your suggestion.

Anonymous said...


Please focus on airline stories and be upfront with readers on the good and bad being CC.

Just like Kaypoh says, readers are educated enough to know the right and wrong of a post.

Don't run away by putting life in Japan stories to gloss over the ugly reality of CC.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree,there is enough saga,good and mostly bad to sustain BT on airline subject only.Comments help to sustain,point out weak points overlook,blindsided view in CC Taking about foodie can only be that much till gelak