Friday, April 7, 2023

He sacrificed his life for the company but.....

 I don't want to discredit the company I used to work for. It was and still is a good company. Sometimes, it's the senior people who are to blame for some of the policy. 

Lam (not his real name) was working for umpteen years for SIA as an executive. When he decided to quit, SIA's management refused to give him discounted tickets on SIA's flights let alone gratuity like cash etc.

He confided in me that he had given his entire working life to airline at the expense of his family. He used to work overtime and weekends voluntarily without any compensation. He became the most unpopular execuitve as he had "spoiled the market" so to speak. Lam regretted for being dedicated and loyal to SIA.

I hope there are'nt many Lams anymore but if there are I think the company should view them objectively and positively. Such people should be given some recognition!


Anonymous said...

It's really sad when you're just an "executive" being dedicated and spend your entire working life there. More often the "senior management" or the "BOD" gets the privilege without even asking or lifting their hands.

Such a cruel world!

Anonymous said...

Misplaced loyalty

Same as PAP supporters.
RC members
Union members

Never provide charity for anyone except your family.
If you do, examine and reflect why. What motivates you?
In hope of recognition?
Or to escape from family duties?

There is always an element of selfishness.
Think and recall.

Anon said...

Exactly. Nobody asked him to do OT. When he did those OT, he expected something in return and felt sore when he did not get it. In the words of mgt- nobody asked you to do it.

Anonymous said...

Come on guys dont be so crtical just be understanding. He meant well and helped the co. with sincerity. Maybe he was a little gullible.

Anonymous said...

The signs were all there.From CC to transit to the next level to be seen,or acts done,as seen over decade etc,suggestions on more work like AhQuayman over blemishing on desserts ,or jump up trainers to airlines wanna be,like Air Langga,Brute Air.Sexcy excells in bruteness,which other wont do,being a hatchetman is a niche skills,but karmic returns no good,most passed early due to lack of physicals when eye power,and pen pushing weakens, the rest of the body break down early and easily. A hard days work refreshes and replenishes the body ,strenghtening and stronger bloodflow. Lack of prayers lead to early demise observer might think it is similar to recall a faulty vehicle,to prevent future and further damage.Sars and covid could be a karmanic stop or a warning shot.Worse will follow,if certain law of nature were ignored, mass prayers in their names lead to happier and longer live.Having said that let us pray for the best,the meek and faithfull shall inherit the earth those evil live shall not.AMEN.

Anonymous said...

Hi Boh Tong

The learning lesson we can learn is to never give life to company and work.

We are here to work to earn a living and not to suck up.

Companies in general don't care about employees.

People come and go.

Fact of life.