Thursday, April 27, 2023

My comments on SIA food

 I don't want to sound as though I am pro-SIA but the reality is the food on board has reduced in quantity. However, I recently flew on a Japan flight and found that although the quantity has been reduced but the quality has not been compromised. As a matter of fact, the food these days taste better than in the past. I don't want to say more lest I will be accused of being biased. Instead, I would like to hear from our readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why support 'own' airline?
SQ is a for-profit business.
They sell seats.
You like the price,
You buy.

You dont like?
Dont buy.

SQ does not need support.
They have Temasek as sugar daddy
No need support from public especially

Unless you hard-up for SQ sarong kebabya.
Also no big deal.