Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Old news regarding ex steward lawsuit against SIA


A Singapore Airlines (SIA) air steward, who says he was injured when a bag fell from the overhead compartment, is suing the airline for around $500,000.

But SIA has countered that 42-year-old K. Jotheeswaran Kaniyasan is lying and that the incident never happened. Instead, air stewardess Hezrin Hilmi, who Mr Jotheeswaran said saw the 2009 incident, has filed an affidavit stating that she did not.

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Anonymous said...

Throughout my career,had seen many cases of bags falling down from the overhead,due to the design.Coupled wirhe the kiasu atitude of positioning to the front of the plane,similar to a 3 world train,not a plane. Nowaday,the design will slide down,only on opening,compared to the old where the double stacking of briefcase of another.That was before the limits of carry luggage to cut down overweight freebies,whence even the poi polloi will bring along their kitchen sink. These incidence only happened in ey,not premium,and never in J or Fc.Therefore it makes for good sense to load up on insurance while a crew,let the insurer battled it out, no need to cast aspersion on CC.Trying to perform to be No 1.has it own risk,at the cost of safety,the records will show more,unless all CC equate safety as equally important as service excellences.The profile of the 3rd world paxs will never change onboard,experienced paxs can anticipate such problems,he said,she said on Court of Law proved nothing except current employee have more to lose.

Anonymous said...

Give a few brownie points to use for promotion and crew are suddenly eager to tell the truth and right a wrong. Reminds me of the CI of the infamous case 1 vs 8. All 8 turned against 1 and gleefully watching him get grilled and sacked. I was there and saw how evil human can be and i somehow gave up on humanity after the case. Brownie points and cash to hire some expert witnesses can change black into white. Do those crew facing CI have such ammo and resources to take on the company? I advised the guy involved in the 1vs 8 case to appeal after verdict was out. He say no point cos no money to do so.

Anonymous said...

Thought accident report must be signed and viewd by commander before submission? Isnt accident report written by complex leader and endorsed by IFS then commander? How the GS manage to forge the accident report and forge signature? Didnt the complex leader or IFS interview and checked with the stewardess then submit? Now suddenly say never see, never sign ah?

Anonymous said...

Seldom win one la. Whether crew vs coy or pax vs company. Nimpeh remember one case pax sue company cos of a chipped glass in meal. In end also hire some experts and say pax lying etc. Just take the $50 srv and guai guai and steal laugh la, dont waste anymore money to fight goliath.

Anonymous said...

"Give a few brownie points to use for promotion " , previously union becomes AO,then lost the will to fight for crew,only s""" the .Unionist becomes fighting for self and fat pay .Or like Sexcy,becomes a hatchet man,pars excellent.Even AO,will do all possible to hijack the case, expect to be invited by Charmaine to tete te tete at top of the M ,enjoying caviat toast and for gra,and sipping champagne,living the high live!Notice "I was there and saw how evil human can be and i somehow gave up on humanity ", testament to evil live in CC.Niwaday,paynow and paylah available to raise fund's effortlessly.Give an inch,they conquer you,witness Ukraine and Gaza,stand your ground and fight for rights,God is on your side if truth and sanity your cup of tea.livee your live,in fear of God .