Poor Lambert Yeo. He worked so hard for the company and when asked for early retirement SIA refused to give him. SIA had given early retirement to crew who had been lazy and mischievous but not Lambert. SIA even turned down his request for FOC tickets. Now Lambert is gone...*sobs*
He is valued la. Hence dont let him retire early la. On the other hand, coy more than happy to retire those dead wood. Morale of story is coy value and rewards those who work hard la. What a great coy SIA is.
Coy valued Lambert?? Coy don't even entertained his plea for free travel
like all retirees get. Hopeless coy, full of excuses!
Lambert lacked feelings for those working under him.So similarly prayers and good thoughts lacking in his direction.How hard can an AO worked, compared to FS and FSS who had to moved muscle,from takeoff to landing ?They might totally disagree,with eye power working only.Blessed are those who were thoughtfull and considerate,they were always prayed for,and lived peacefully all the time.Each shall looked at the outward views,and then feast on the goodness on their live.Unprayed got less or nothing.
R I P too late for any comment,
He should have live a religious and thoughtful AO,then expect many indebted Crew to appreciate forever ,but he did not,too busy with Fish and Co.In the eye of the Co, hardly hardworking,only to self He even slept on FC on way to SA, when he was on check flight.So ?
There has never been a standard process in decision making.
All HR issues within Crew Division ( and other Divisions ) had one person having the final say, particularly on areas such as discipline, performance, promotions, retirement aka golden handshakes. Except medical care, the company ( not the division ) will try their best to help with costs, such as cancer, heart, liver etc..
That person is the SVP. ( upon advice from his managers who in turn gets information from the AOs themselves.. SVP will also hide behind the facade that is the company's policy etc...
It's ok,karma works in the end,whether hide behind facade or not.Sq 6,Sars a small tip ,then COVID,which cost billion,and lives lost due to not listening to grapevine commis communication is black can be white,message read between the line due to higher up,their way or highway,or dead end.Who shall defy karma shall face the grape of wrath.
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