Friday, February 11, 2022

A reader left this comment..what do you think?

 "who in their right mind will join SIA as a cabin crew now? High risk, more demanding and rude passengers, lower overall pay, limited to no progression.

then again if one has no desired skill in the market they can join because cabin crew required least amount of brain work. All the much boasted "soft skills" are useless when it come to career switch, they are good to have but definitely need a strongly based hard skill(s).

join at your own risk."


Anon said...

Those 5 O levels or nitec people lor. Beats doing grab anytime

Anon said...

Why no progression? GS to LS to CS to IFS to CCE is progress. You think outside got progress? Let you promote every year from admin asst to snr admin asst to admin exec to snr admin exec to asst principal exec to deputy principal exec yearly in some smelly coffin shop is call progression?

Anon said...

Thought we were told during PFS that we are professionals wor and we are highly sought after outside wor and nobody force us to be here as there is long Q for wannabes wor.

Anonymous said...


Back in the 70s, 80s, 90s... it was still alright because the great leap forward
had not begun... internet, mobile smart phones, social media.
The world has caught up and moved beyond SQ or generally flying.
The soft skills during those days was still required and in demand.
But since 2000s, such skills have become common place and not unique.

The public ( even the PRCs, Indons) have been exposed to even higher levels of soft skills from insurance agents, financial advisors, property agents, medical staff.
The encounters with any crew (any airline) is nothing unique, in fact its mundane.

For people with higher ambitions, they have to look elsewhere.

Sour Grapes said...

Those who are running down cabin crew are sour grapes.

Anon said...

What is there to sour grapes? A case of self consolation and ah Q mentailty thinking your job is great and others criticise you, its cos sour grapes?

Anon said...

I am a crew for almost 30 yrs. I am still a leading and my staff number isn3 series. I look down on myself. My family and friends look down on me even though most did not express it explicitly. Am i sour grape?

Anonymous said...

Depending on good karma,CC is wanting,need more good deeds,etc blessed way of short term forgiving and small mistake like local politics.Unionists have more roles than self promo,good flight and selfish views,its role to promote welfare of the weakest,vulnerable crews.Something got to give,these blatant holding back of promo,including 30 years ls,lss will cause resentment,mental health,bring bad karma,when the body hit the floor.Getting away with bad judgements,holding back promo will provide more materials for its karma deficit path,it needs breakthru path,more than vtl and like minded measures,or economy will tank.Depending on cures for covid,which is link to more flights seems a distance away.No simple solutions in sight,but prayers and good karma badly needed here.Let us pray.

Anonymous said...

To the commenter who posted this

"Why no progression? GS to LS to CS to IFS to CCE is progress. You think outside got progress? Let you promote every year from admin asst to snr admin asst to admin exec to snr admin exec to asst principal exec to deputy principal exec yearly in some smelly coffin shop is call progression?"

Your education level and mindset has definitely limited yourself, please don't impose such mindset to others, especially to the younger crews, they deserves better.

Anonymous said...

Agreed totally.Such leadership and thinking will lead decline of the nation.Online the new economy,servile attitude to serve another elites,master and servant relationship will be replace by robots and robotics.With robotic dogs ,acrobatic robots to serve,the economy will leapfrog to higher plane.The education divide are cause by rich versus poor,bitcoin and new wealth creator will even the scores,some will passed,by Covid,self mutilation like smoking ,drugs,mankind reborn with more space,eliminating one or other,democracy versus communism. The victors will rule the world,Netflix will eliminate cinemas,similar to crt replaced by led,LCD.In the dustbin of history,fax,snail mail,Kodak, nft,will be slowly prominent or dissapear.Go with the time ,swim with the tide or be consume in the tsunami of progress.New way or the highway,take a pick or default choose for you.

Anonymous said...

It gets worse when you get CECA passengers...

Anonymous said...

Serving your master should be natural when you are a dhalit.Time to sink in,where we stand in class.Plus relentless pursuit of best in survey,it's going to be a tall order not good for mental health.So get real,or fake out.