Sunday, June 5, 2022

Comments about me & my blog

 I have been blogging for the last 16 years and have received negative  as well as positive comments about myself and my blogging. Some comments sounded personal and hurtful but I weathered them all. Let's have a look at those comments. Btw the comments were made in 2014 which is about 8 years ago. Examples of a few comments are below:

" Heard you were from RI and your classmates are doing well but you are one miserable 

RI boy who spent your life flying as a steward. A big disgrace to your former school"

" I am addicted to your blog and must check it everyday, twice a day"

" I don't know why I must read your blog everyday"

 To continue reading click here

RI boy who spent your life flying as a steward. A big disgrace to your former school"


Anonymous said...

The reader who commented about you being educated at RI - Looks like his comments are just sour grapes. What's wrong with being a flight steward? At least it is better than those who were educated at RI, and yet turned criminal and ended up at Changi Resort.

Anonymous said...

Ya lo RI produced criminals too like that church leader who squandered on members' money. Also another one who forged LKY's signature to embezzle millions and latter committed suicide.

Anonymous said...

Hi Boh Tong

I agree to large extend that a former RI like youself shouldnt be steward/CCE for 35 years straight shouldnt be the norm.

Usually, people from elite schools such as yours tend to gravitate towards management positions in MNC.

Though its okay to do it less than 5 years for experience and use it as bragging rights, do it for lifetime seems a waste of potential opportunities outside of flying.

When we're old, we can only look bad and wonder "What if..." this and that. Life shouldn't be flying for life.

Theres more to it.