Lambert has gone home to be with the Lord Jesus! RIP my dear friend!
For Lambert's photo visit this blog
This is a Singapore Airline (SIA) blog . The stories are written by an ex cabin crew. The stories are about the crew of SIA, especially concerning cabin crew and pilots.
Lambert has gone home to be with the Lord Jesus! RIP my dear friend!
For Lambert's photo visit this blog
@luke.tan00 BBQ in the garden in Japan #siacrewstories #crewstories ♬ original sound - Luke Tan
@luke.tan00 A wealthy and generous passenger was exploited by the cabin crew #crewstories #siacrewstories #singaporeairlines ♬ original sound - Luke Tan
Sad but it is true that Lambert is now either in the hospice or nursing home waiting for his final hour :(
Who could have imagine that Lambert could be in this situation? He was a healthy looking guy with lots of future in South Africa. He has many friends and a lovely family. He brought Co & Fish to Singapore and delighted many foodies.
I am a close family friend of his and am feeling sad for him and his family. My prayer is Lambert do not suffer anymore pain and if God willing transport him to another world known as HEAVEN!
This was one nice IFM TH Goh who passed on a few years ago. The above image showed him in an old age home a few years ago. I like TH and I never missed the X'mas cards which he would send me every year without failed till he left SIA.
RIP my friend and may God be merciful to your soul!
@luke.tan00 The crew were assaulted during their night stop in Bahrain #crewstories #siacrewstories ♬ original sound - Luke Tan
@luke.tan00 Singapore Airlines cabin crew arrested,fined and sacked for carrying out illegal activities #siacrewstories #crewstories ♬ original sound - Luke Tan
@luke.tan00 Cabin crew executive Johnny played a prank on a newbie stewardess.. #crewstories #siacrewstories ♬ original sound - Luke Tan
Lambert is in a hospice and life is slipping away. He has tumor of the brain. Please pray that he will not suffer any pain. Thank you!
@luke.tan00 Need to change their mindset in this technological age #crewstories #siacrewstories ♬ original sound - Luke Tan
One of my TikTok followers asked me to talk about fights in the aircraft and I would oblige by telling this story that happened when I was on the flight.
During flight a fight broke out between a smaller and a big size paxs. I t happened because of some seating issues. The flight was full and this may have caused discomfort to some paxs. When told, I hurriedly went to the economy class and tried to stop the fight. It was quite violent especially after a few drinks. The smaller pax was beaten up by the bigger pax but he fought back. My crew and I tried to stop them from getting hurt.
We managed to seperate them and reluctantly I upgraded the smaller fellow to the business class. He was quite a guy. He insisted I upgraded his female partner too otherwise he would want to stay put. In the end to avoid another fight I upgraded the two of them. After that things were quiet. The case was handed to the security when we arrived at our destination. Fortunately, none of the two was badly hurt.
A Singapore Airlines (SIA) air steward, who says he was injured when a bag fell from the overhead compartment, is suing the airline for around $500,000.
But SIA has countered that 42-year-old K. Jotheeswaran Kaniyasan is lying and that the incident never happened. Instead, air stewardess Hezrin Hilmi, who Mr Jotheeswaran said saw the 2009 incident, has filed an affidavit stating that she did not.
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We cannot rule out that the ex steward who is suing SIA for negligent can't win the case. The reason I say this is because the children of a couple who was killed on SQ006 in 2000 sued SIA and won the case. The sum awarded was US$15 million. So let's see whether the ex steward can win.
The Tik Tok video which I uploaded (below) regarding the "Bakery" case happened many years ago and I don't think many of you knew about it. Maybe some have not been born yet and if you were around,you may have been too young then...right?
@luke.tan00 A young English girl went missing in London for 3 months. A manhunt was launched and....#siacrewstories #crewstories #londonbakerycase ♬ original sound - Luke Tan